Volume 1 No. 1 ISSN 1523-9926 Fall 1996

Welcome to the Technology Interface, the on-line journal for the Engineering Technology profession serving education and industry. The Technology interface is a peer-reviewed on-line Journal. In addition to the feature articles, supplemental information is provided on-line to better support Engineering Technology. For example, this issue includes an on-line version of the ASEE-ETD newsletter, a link to the ETD Home Page and also includes TechTips for UNIX, DOS, and Windows that the readers might find helpful.

All articles appearing in the Technology Interface are copyright protected but information printed in this Journal may be used as needed to support your needs at work. This includes making copies of any article for non-profit use. Ownership of articles appearing in the Technology Interface remains with the authors.

We hope you enjoy your visit to our site and we want your comments. Letters to the Editor are encouraged.

Jeff Beasley, Editor

Shortcut to Article Topics

Electronics Computers Communications Manufacturing
Semiconductor Manufacturing ASEE-ETD News

Articles Appearing This Month


The Mixed Logic Approach to Digital Design and Analysis (72 Kbytes)
William B. Hudson and Jeffrey S. Beasley
A Simple Procedure for Measuring Inductance (34 Kbytes)
Guillermo Rico

Use of a PC Printer Port for Control and Data Acquisition (36 Kbytes)
Peter H. Anderson
Nonlinear Regression Analysis On A Spreadsheet (10 Kbytes)
Paul H. Ricketts
Minimum Unix Operating Commands (1 Kbytes) TechTips
Minimum DOS 6.2 (3 Kbytes) TechTips
Andy Garcia
Minimum Windows 95 (3.5 Kbytes) TechTips"
Andy Garcia
Minimum Windows 3.1 (4.5 Kbytes) TechTips"
Andy Garcia

The dB in Communications (40 Kbytes)
Jeffrey S. Beasley

Book Review: Manufacturing and the Internet
Roland S. Hanson
Seminconductor Manufacturing

A VLSI Tutorial
Sonia Champion and Jeffrey Edaakie
ASEE-ETD Society News

ASEE-ETD Newsletter Fall 1996
ETD Home Page

Author Information Letters to the Editor

This Page is Maintained by jbeasley@nmsu.edu Last Update: Nov. 4, 1996