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Course Schedule

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The course is organized with one unit of work for .... The unit titles are listed in the following table, along with links to the corresponding Notes and Exercises. The Notes contain information needed in the exercises; the Notes list .... ; the Notes describe .... , and suggests practice problems .... . The Exercise pages describe the .... .

The table below has all of the links active but the pages for notes and exercises after number one are not present since they are just a duplication of Unit 1 and Exercise 1.

1aaaaaaNotes 1Exercise 1
2bbbbbbNotes 2Exercise 2
3ccccccNotes 3Exercise 3
4ddddddNotes 4Exercise 4
5eeeeeeNotes 5Exercise 5
6ffffffNotes 6Exercise 6
7ggggggNotes 7Exercise 7
8hhhhhhNotes 8Exercise 8
9iiiiiiNotes 9 Exercise 9
10jjjjjjNotes 10 Exercise 10
11kkkkkkNotes 11 Exercise 11
12llllllNotes 12 Exercise 12
13mmmmmmNotes 13 Exercise 13
14nnnnnnNotes 14Exercise 14
15ooooooNotes 15 Exercise 15

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