Minimum DOS 6.2 TechTips
from the Technology Interface

prepared by

Andy Garcia
Department of Engineering Technology
New Mexico State University

Note, when using the EXAMPLE SECTION:

  • The c:\\gt; (or a:\\gt;) indicates that you are at the prompt in DOS.
  • *.* = to select all the contents in that directory or file.
  • Filename (file) = a generic name for a file.
  • Dirname(dirA, dirB, or dir) = generic name for any directory.

    Command to Use FunctionExample
    COPY Back up data c:\\gt;copy a:\*.* c:
    XCOPY Back up data c:\\gt;xcopy a:\*.* c:
    DISKCOPY Back up data c:\\gt;diskcopy a: b:
    A:, B:, or C:To change to drive desired c:\\gt;a:
    REN, RENAME Change a file name c:\\gt;ren fileA fileB
    ATTRIB Change file attributes c:\\gt;attrib -r filename
    CD, CHDIR Change the current subdirectory c:\\gt;cd dirname
    CD.. Moves you up one directory c:\dirA\dirB>cd..
    CD\ Change to DOS prompt c:\dirA\dirB>cd\
    DATE Displays the current date setting c:\\gt;date
    CLS Clears the screen to prompt c:\\gt;cls
    MD, MKDIR Create a new subdirectory c:\\gt;md filename
    DEL, ERASE Delete a file c:\\gt;erase filename
    MEM Display information about RAM c:\\gt;mem
    TYPE Display the contents of a file c:\\gt;type filename
    EDIT Edit ASCII files c:\\gt;edit filename
    DELTREE Erase an entire disk or directory c:\\gt;deltree filename
    FORMAT Format a blank disk a:\\gt;format
    HELP, /? Get help with DOS c:\\gt;attrib/?
    DIR List files on a disk or subdirectory c:\filename>dir
    DIR/W List files on disk by the page, press any key to see next screenc:\\gt;dir/w
    DIR/P List files on disk by the page, press any key to see next screen c:\\gt;dir/p
    RD Removes a directory, directory must be empty firstc:\\gt;rd dirname